About the Policy
- Open Access Policy 2025
- Open Access Books
- How is the foundation going to mitigate how the policy affects the careers of LMIC authors?
- You’ve been paying publication fees for years now and promoted open access journals. Now you aren’t paying the open access fees. This pivot seems to be coming out of nowhere. Why?
- You’re limiting my academic freedom with preprints. My chosen journal doesn’t accept submissions that have been preprinted.
- Preprints? So much happens for the VOR that will be lost. Are you undermining the scientific record?
- Who pays the OA fees? Can grant funds be used for these costs?
- Will the foundation cover special supplements or other charges such as print or color charges?
- How will the policy refresh work?
- Policy Refresh 2025 Overview
- Why did the foundation adopt an Open Access Policy?
- What are Preprints?
- Why do Preprints matter?
- What does this mean for how and where grantees can publish their research?
- Will the 2025 policy impact the quality of foundation-supported research?
- After years of requiring Open Access, it looks like the foundation is abandoning it. Isn’t this a regressive policy?
- If more privileged institutions and authors can pay APCs from other sources, doesn’t that further disadvantage those without those options?
- Publishing has a real cost. By abandoning the publishing payments which you’ve made for years, aren’t you leaving grantees in a difficult position?
- Will grantees retain their copyright when sharing their work through Open Access means?