If you are looking for a compliant journal for your funded research, go to the Journal Checker Tool. Please note that compliance does not necessarily mean the foundation will pay the publication fees.
- If your chosen journal appears in the Journal Checker Tool as "Full Open Access" or "Transformative", the foundation will pay the open access fees provided the article is immediately available with a CC BY license and accompanied by a data availability statement. Please be sure to acknowledge the foundation and include your grant number.
- If your chosen journal appears in the Journal Checker Tool as "Compliant Through Self-Archiving Using Rights Retention" this is a hybrid title and the foundation will not pay the open access fees. You have several options available to you to obtain compliance with the foundation’s Open Access policy:
- Rights Retention: Publish your article in this journal, but do not select open access. No publishing fees will apply for this route. Upon publication, upload your accepted manuscript to an open repository with a CC BY license and you will be compliant. Please ensure that the following acknowledgment is included in your published article:
This work was supported, in whole or in part, by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation [Grant Number]. Under the grant conditions of the Foundation, a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Generic License has already been assigned to the Author Accepted Manuscript version that might arise from this submission.”
- Alternative Funds: Locate funds from alternative sources, such as your institution or co-authors, in order to pay the open access fees.
- Other Options: Talk to the publisher about other options, such as fee waivers and transfers to full OA or transformative journals.
- Find Another Journal: You can use the Journal Checker Tool to identify a compliant journal for your work.
Questions about Open Access?
Please visit the Gates Foundation Open Access Policy site, https://openaccess.gatesfoundation.org/, or contact us at openaccess@gatesfoundation.org. Sign up for UNLOCKED - Open Access Newsletter to keep up with news and announcements.