We will support the APCs of articles submitted prior to January 1st 2025 and understand that publishing can take months if not years before an invoice is raised.
If this is regarding a journal supplement the Knowledge & Research Services team should have already been asked to review the journal price quote and we will honor any of these agreements.
We are ready to advise grantee authors about their options once we cease APC support.
As APCs are not included in grant budgets it is rare that these specifics would be discussed at the grant stage. The publications clause states that the policy may be updated from time to time and we aimed to provide as much notice as possible to make the transition smoother.
Questions about Open Access?
Please visit the Gates Foundation Open Access Policy site, https://openaccess.gatesfoundation.org/, or contact us at openaccess@gatesfoundation.org. Sign up for UNLOCKED - Open Access Newsletter to keep up with news and announcements.